SEND and Inclusion

Rosendale Primary School is an inclusive school that welcomes and values every child.

All children are fully included in all aspects of school life and all staff are responsible for the successful teaching and learning of all children in our school community. The policy further down this page sets out the procedures for ensuring high expectations and standards of educational provision for children with special educational needs, and the range of support and interventions available.

Parenting a child with additional needs can sometimes feel like navigating uncharted waters, filled with isolation and loneliness. However, it's crucial to realise that you're not alone in this journey. Support exists, provided you know where to seek it. These websites serve as invaluable lifelines, offering support and guidance, even if your child hasn't been formally diagnosed:

Lambeth Parent Forum - The aim of Lambeth Parent Forum is to provide opportunities for parents and carers to influence the decisions that affect their families and to contribute to developing services that meet the needs of their families, whilst sharing experiences and knowledge with other parents and carers.

Contact - They exist to help families feel valued, supported, confident and informed.

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