Dunraven Educational Trust

About The Trust

The Dunraven Educational Trust was established in 2016. We believe schools have a moral imperative to create the best educational provision that they can in order to serve the needs of their community effectively, now and in the future. The Trust has primary, secondary and sixth form phases and well established ITT provision. We are experienced and successful in supporting schools in a range of areas including leadership development, teaching and learning, finance and HR.

What We Believe

The Trust has one overarching aim: excellence for and from everyone. This is an expectation for both the children and adults in a school community. It is achieved in a variety of ways according to the context of each school but within the clear framework established by the Trust.

Schools will develop a strategic plan that responds to the Trust’s central aim, values and operating system. A strategy that delivers: strong outcomes, above average progress, a great learning and working environment, a financially viable institution; and an outward facing philosophy.

Dunraven Educational Trust

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