Vision, Ethos & Values

Rosendale School is restless in its pursuit of excellence.

We are a school where everyone is welcomed, efforts are valued, ambition is nurtured and where the potential of every child is realised.  We believe that this vision statement is manifest in the following values and actions in our school:

  • We have pride in ourselves, in our endeavours and in our achievements;
  • We are reflective and thoughtful about experiences, learning from our failures so that we are prepared to be better tomorrow;
  • We encourage co-operation and collaboration, everyone taking responsibility for all that they say and do;
  • We celebrate and respect the diverse community in which we live and appreciate our responsibilities as global citizens;
  • We equip young people with the knowledge, skills and critical thinking, to challenge and debate in an informed way;
  • We promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance;
  • We are determined and courageous in all that we encounter and are equipped to deal with the future;
  • We provide a safe and stimulating space to work and play in which learning is fun and enjoyable.


What this means in practice

  • A Rosendale pupil will develop high level knowledge and skills across the curriculum, meeting or exceeding the levels expected of an outstanding school;
  • A Rosendale pupil will gain deep experience of project working, developing key skills of research, analysis, independent working, time management and presentation;
  • A Rosendale pupil will become a fluent user of modern ICT and New Technologies. Ofsted said that Rosendale had set a national benchmark for the outstanding and innovative use of ICT in teaching and learning;
  • A Rosendale pupil will learn a language and be encouraged to develop global perspectives.  Rosendale is a hub school in a national programme to support learning of Mandarin Chinese.

Rosendale celebrates its diversity and has high and equal expectations of all pupils, regardless of social, cultural, linguistic or ethnic background.

Parents and carers are encouraged to be deeply involved in their children’s learning and in the life of the school and we aim to provide a vivid picture of school and classroom life through the classroom blogs.

We are committed to ensuring that all members of the Rosendale community are valued.

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