School Governors

About the Local Governing Board

The Governors are appointed by Dunraven Educational Trust, the charitable company and Multi Academy Trust which runs the school.  For details about the Trust’s Governance, please view the website below:

Dunraven Educational Trust

The Local Governing Board (LGB) has a wide range of responsibilities, clearly defined by the scheme of delegation and by law.  The governors aim is to work with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education and to help steer the school's future direction.  

The Local Governing Board has at least 4 full meetings a year.  There are up to 10 governors who make up the LGB, which includes two elected parent governors and one elected staff governor. Governors are appointed for a term of four years.

To contact the governors, or to request a copy of the governing board minutes, please email:

The Annual General Meeting of the Dunraven Educational Trust is being held online via Zoom on Friday 13 December 2024 at 8.00am. The notice, agenda and how to register for the AGM is available on the Trust's website HERE.

We are always happy to hear from anyone interested in a governance role with us, either at Rosendale or at any one of our Trust's schools.  If you would like to find out more, please contact Kylie Burgess, Governance & Compliance Manager via

For information about our current governors, please see the "Meet the Governors" section below and the attached information regarding meeting attendance for the last academic year and current register of interests.

Meet the Governors

Shola Salako

Chair of the Local Governing Board and Safeguarding Link Governor

I became interested in education when I was co-opted onto a parent staff committee at my daughter's school.  She has since left school and as I wanted to continue my involvement I applied to be a local authority governor.  I was accepted and have been a governor at Rosendale Primary School since that time.   The role remains interesting and absorbing.  I hope to be given the opportunity to continue to be of service to Rosendale and provide a valuable contribution. 

Term of office: September 2021 - September 2025*

Caroline Gray

Vice-Chair of Local Governing Board and SEND Link Governor

I currently work in a General Practice in Vauxhall and for a Mental Health project for the Clinical Commissioning Group.  Whilst my background is not in education, I do have a real understanding of life in Lambeth having lived and worked here for over 16 years.  I hope that the skills I bring coupled with my enthusiasm and commitment will allow me to make a real contribution to the school and its community. 

Term of office: November 2021 - October 2025*

Nana Baffoe

Nana has been a governor at Rosendale since 2023. She has a background in the Public Sector.  Nana believes the role of a governor is a useful way of giving something back to the community in which she lives and serves.  Being a school governor offers Nana the opportunity to get involved in the different areas of the school, including school initiatives, strategic and operational transformation plans of schools. Nana has a keen interest in securing the best experiences and outcomes for all children and young people and wants to use her lived experience and skills to make a difference in her local community.  Nana sees her role as a positive privilege where she can make a meaningful contribution to the community. 

Term of office: September 2023 - September 2027

Mark Creelman

Parent Governor and Health & Safety Link Governor

All three of my children have attended Rosendale, with my two youngest still at the school.  I'm a qualified social worker and have worked in health and social care for 30 years.  I am an Executive within the NHS, integrating services across public serving organisations.  My annual budget is over £250million. I believe in the power of strong governance and want the development of the school to be fully inclusive and participative of parents with the child at the centre of all we do. 

Term of office: November 2023 - November 2027*

Lulu Luckock

I have been a primary school teacher for over 35 years, teaching in England, Portugal and Spain.  As a teacher the social and emotional wellbeing of the pupils in my care was always at the heart of my teaching practice and so when I stepped out of the classroom 10 years ago I trained to be a specilalist in Social and Emotional learning. My belief is that a solid primary school education is a life long gift that can never be taken away.  I aim to support Rosendale in its continued effort to give all its pupils the best community, and all round education that it possibly can. 

Term of office:  September 2023 - September 2027

Alice Maurizi

I am an economist who specialised in labout markets and education. I work in the Civil Service where I covered a series of roles related to welfare, migration, trade, education and environment - building up experience in policy and analysis in different government departments.  Having lived in Lambeth since moving to London, I am very excited to have the opportunity to support the school and help the community. 

Term of office: September 2022 - September 2026

Tarell McIntosh

I am a care experienced restauranteur, and currently a community project leader, raising money for disadvantaged children.  I have worked as a primary school teacher and adopt a child centred and creative approach to all work projects.  I am currently studying for my PhD in Educatoin and Masters in Food Sciences.  I am keen to support the school's community and grow its presence as an outstanding school. 

Term of office:  October 2023 - October 2027


Staff Governor

Tara was appointed to the board as a staff governor in October 2024. 

Term of office: October 2024 - October 2028

Emily Murphy

Parent Governor

Emily has two children at Rosendale.  She is a qualified primary school teacher with over 15 years of experience working in schools, both in the UK and abroad, and also has experience working in education technology.  Emily currently leads the professional development in education research for a group of international schools.  Emily became a governor because of her passion for education and the Rosendale community, adn she is excited to support the school as it continues to grow and thrive.

Term of office:  November 2023 - November 2027

*denotes second term of office

Governors who have left in the last 12 months

Biba Stanton - term ended November 2023

Rebecca Rae - term ended November 2023

Matt Ellis - stepped down October 2024


Title Date  
LGB Meeting Attendance Rosendale Primary 2023-24 26th Jul 2024 Download
Register of Interests - Rosendale Primary - 2024 17th Oct 2024 Download
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