
At Rosendale we consider online safety a community matter.  We are here to support both children and parents in keeping our pupils safe online.

We have set up an online safety group to tackle any issues that arise and to ensure we are working as a school to address online safety.  If you have any online safety questions or concerns please email esafety@rosendale.cc and a member of staff will contact you to offer advice or support.

Useful Links

Internet Matters – Advice for parents for online safety. Includes interactive guide on securing different devices.
Parent Zone – Advice site for parents. Parent zone gathers expert advice from across the internet.
NSPCC - Child Safety Online (CSO) Taskforce
CEOP – Police unit responsible for online child protection – you can report serious incidents here, or you can click on the button below.
Better Internet for Kids – Advice for parents.  Site by the organisation that runs the Safer Internet Day.
Safer Internet – Online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.
TikTok Parents Guide – Center for Countering Digital Hate.


DET Online Safety and Acceptable Use ICT Policy